Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Long Overdue Up-date


How do I describe life over the past two months? It's hard to find words that are good enough! I graduated from Ellerslie Advanced, along with these wonderful people.


(Photos by the lovely and wonderful Lauren Torres.)

My parents came to visit me in Colorado.

It snowed.

I saw lots of dear friends at our first-ever Ellerslie Alumni Reunion.

I celebrated several friends' weddings.

I acquired my first-ever official Colorado roommate... who happens to be a transplant from Alabama.

There's a lot of "y'all" and "yonder" and sweet taters hangin' 'round room 122!

I saw many, many prayers answered.

I fell very deep in love with four kiddos named Hudson, Harper Grace, Dubber-Doo, and Avy Rose.

I've learned more about my God who has broken the power of evil sin and opened my eyes to the realities of His kingdom. (For example: Has anyone else consistently felt like punching someone when you first wake up in the morning? I felt that way for a very long time. Today I had a revelation- I realized that I now have joy in the morning! Folks, that is straight from Jesus Christ Himself. Can I get an "AMEN"?)
And now? What am I doing with my life, you ask? Well, try not to laugh too hard (though I will allow a hearty giggle or two)... I'm going to be a teacher.

Yes, that's right- a teacher. Ellerslie is starting a sort-of school, and I'm an instructor in the start-up pilot program. Believe me, I thought it was a bit crazy when Eric and Leslie first asked me to join the team. Before Ellerslie Advanced, I hadn't even baby-sat in at least 10 years. I never would have thought I'd be a good teacher. In fact, I probably would have told you I'd be a terrible one!

Isn't it amazing how the Lord calls us and equips us based on His wisdom and plans, and not on our own? While considering this position, I freshly remembered that my life is not my own. I am a handmaiden, a servant, a bond-slave to the Most High God. Should I look at my ideas, my plans, my strengths, and my talents? Of course not! So, even though it's not at all what I would have expected, I accepted the position with SO MUCH JOY! I am truly ecstatic to be working here in this way. I don't think I've ever had so much peace in my whole life... though it's still hard to imagine myself as an elementary school teacher! : )

There are many more details that go with this adventure story, but it would take too much time and space to explain them here. It's not exactly a school I'll be working in, at least not in the technical sense of the word- more like a homeschool co-op. That's why I don't need to be specifically certified. It's also not open to the public, since it's only a pilot program. We'll be working with children from about 4 families, ages 3-16. I'm in training right now, and our first day is on Monday! You should really take a minute to visit these links and see some of the precious children I'll be working with.

The first is an incredible family of a single mom with seven adopted kids who will be in our program. She also has several more adopted children who live in Haiti, but will very soon obtain all the paperwork to come and live here! Heather's life is a bit complex to explain, so perhaps I'll let her blog speak for her. You might want to read from the beginning (it's not that long) and BE SURE to watch "Annelysia's YouTube" videos, on the right side of the blog. : )

The second is the Ludy family, whose four kids I mentioned above. The pictures here are about 2 years old, but they are still just as precious today as they were then! The other two families just have one child each in our program- a little boy adopted from Haiti, who is coming home next week, and a little girl who is Finnish-Australian with the most adorable 4-year-old accent on the planet, I'm sure.

Alright, now that you know what's going on here in this little corner of the universe, I'll leave you to your own wonderful, exciting life in Christ. As for me, I'm going to read some more of 2 Kings. (Raise your hand if you love Elisha and how he is a shadow of Jesus Christ!)

Goodnight, my friends!

(Ps- I did officially move my blog to Wordpress, but I thought I'd post here too this time. See the link in the post below this one.)