Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Concerning the television.

Whom have I in heaven but You? And besides You, I desire nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. For, behold, those who are far from You will perish; You have destroyed all those who are unfaithful to You. But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all Your works.

I was thinking about these verses this morning, and it reminded me of a conversation I had last week, in which one of my friends asked me whether or not I think it is a sin to watch television. I found that to be an interesting question. As I've thought about it in the days since then, I've realized that it represents an entire category of questions that I haven't really articulated in my own thoughts yet.

My friend simply asked me about television, and she even named a couple of favorite shows. My first response was to ask her if the TV is an idol in her life. She replied in the negative, saying that she could definitely live without it. The conversation sort of drifted in other directions at this point, but I've still been thinking about this all week. What do I think? I myself do not choose to watch TV on a regular basis. Why not? I've never actually thought too much about the specifics of the reasons. I used to love television! I never had too much spare time, but when I did, I loved to catch up on all the favorite shows. Now, however, the remote control repels me. Hmmm. I'll try to list a few reasons:
1. Time. I simply (and so gratefully!) have better things to do with mine.
2. Commercials. It makes me sick to see and hear so many endless sales pitches for the many things that Americans do not need. I can no longer ignore the greed, selfishness, and lust that is so evident through these advertisements.
3. Lies. I hear so many of them every time I turn on the TV! There are lies about self-worth and beauty, lies about humanism (everyone pulling together in order to make the world a better place), lies about what will make you satisfied and content, lies that try to convince us that sin is right and good and fun. They are everywhere.
4. Rest. So many people turn to the TV in order to find their rest- time to chill out, time to veg out, time to re-charge, time for "me." However, I've realized that I don't really feel any better about life after spending time in front of the TV. Sure, I may feel entertained for a while, but I do NOT feel any more in touch with reality, or satisfied in my soul, or energized, or refreshed after a round of shows. Mostly, it brings subtle discontentment, restlessness, and lethargy to my life.

Now, I know that there are many arguments that oppose what I've said. I know that Christians tend to panic when I suggest that we leave the TV behind in our walks toward Christ. The choice to un-plug is called unnecessary, impractical, overwhelming, legalistic, and even ridiculous. The polite ones say, "Well, I guess that's fine for you, but that's really not necessary for the rest of us. I can watch most things and know that they are not in line with my beliefs, but as long as I recognize that, it doesn't affect me. Besides, what else would I do in order to relax?" Others may want to try letting go of the TV, but in truth, they're too cowardly. They don't believe that their God is big enough to deliver His promise that in His presence is fullness of joy, and at His right hand are pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11). Instead of going to God, they go to the TV. I realize that for many Christians, letting go of the TV would be a huge change. What would they talk to their friends about? How will they relate to the kids they teach in Sunday School if they don't know all the best shows? How will they be able to keep a hold on this world?

Well, I'm not going to tell anyone what to do. I am not willing to say that watching TV is always a sin, because I don't believe that is actually true. However, I would just like to tell you, with a huge smile on my face that comes from the depths of my heart, that the pleasure that comes from watching television can NEVER compare to the pleasure that comes from a life lived in God's presence. I haven't watched TV in many months, and while it was a big change at first, I DO NOT miss it at all.

If you want the life of a victorious, vibrant, radiant, confident, unshakable Christian, then you must go back to Psalm 73- but for me, the nearness of God is my good. Do you live in the nearness of God? Not just during your "quiet time" or church, but every moment of every day? Is that your good, or is your TV time trying to substitute for His tender, almighty presence?

When I was talking to my friend, I took a risk and mentioned a concept that is impossible to swallow for everyone except those who have caught a glimpse of just how good our God is- that every part of our lives either draws us closer to Him, or further away. There is no neutral ground. We do not have a secular life that is separate from the sacred; it is ALL the sacred for one who is called by the very name of Christ. We tend to be shocked by this, to immediately want to disagree and argue it away. But why should we? Look at what God has given for us! Look at what He offers us! Isn't it is our reasonable act of service that He should get every part of our lives in return? I would joyfully say that it isn't just our reasonable act of service, but our most precious privilege! There is NOTHING to regret in following after Christ with every ounce of strength you have.

May you be challenged and inspired to keep walking towards your God.

1 comment:

  1. Really liked this blog post! Thanks for sharing on what can be a controversial subject.
