Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday Means Sermons!

Have you ever had one of those days when you are just so ready for Jesus to come back? Or for you to go be with Him? Today is one of those days when I really know what Paul meant when he said "for me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." To die is gain. That's a huge understatement.

Ok, that was just a sort of by-the-way comment. Here's what I'm really writing about- a sermon! Aren't you excited? (Probably not as excited as I am. Did you listen to any of the other ones? Hmmm. You better get on that.)

Last night, I met a new friend, and I had the opportunity to tell her about the wonderful story of an amazing couple. I had never heard of them until about a year ago, but their story has greatly impacted me.

Richard Wurmbrand was a pastor in Romania when the Communists overtook the country after World War II. The new government made life very difficult for this pastor and his wife, Sabina, and their young son. One day, Richard and Sabina were at a large meeting called for all clergymen, and during the meeting, the Communist officials forced each man to stand on stage one by one to verbally deny the existence of God and declare their loyalties to the government. As pastor after pastor publically denied the Lord, Richard and Sabina sat waiting for him to be called. Sabina turned to Richard and asked him, "Will you wipe the spit off the Lord Jesus' face?" Richard replied that if he refused to give in, then he would be imprisoned or killed. Sabina's reply to her husband? Gently, but firmly, she told him, "I would rather be married to a dead man than to a coward."

With that kind of support from his wife, Richard stood up and gave a great and powerful testimony of His God. He and Sabina were both imprisoned, leaving their 5-year-old son on his own. Richard then endured fourteen years of solitary confinement. Fourteen years. And that was not his only prison term.

What I've told are only the highlights from the beginning of their story. I read about it in Sabina Wurmbrand's book The Pastor's Wife. I would love to read Richard's book called Tortured for Christ, which, as I understand, is a collection of sermons he wrote in his head while in prison. Theirs is an absolutely incredible story of a family that was entirely committed to Christ, of people who knew that nothing in this world is worth more than the glory and the pleasure of our holy God. They lived that, and they have been richly rewarded by our King.

So, here is today's sermon, in which Richard Wurmbrand tells the story what happened between him and his Lord while he was in solitary confinement. It's a short one, compared to most that I listen to, but it stands alone as a treasure.

The Beauty of Nothing, by Richard Wurmbrand.

I've been reading in Hebrews this week, and one phrase in chapter 11 sticks out strongly. In my Bible, this phrase is actually in parentheses, as if it was just an afterthought, but to me, it is breath-taking. Here are the verses leading up to it, Hebrews 11:35-38, speaking of the heroes of the faith:

Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they may obtain a better resurrection:

And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourging, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment.

They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword; they wandered in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented; (of whom the world was not worthy).


Oh, the world was surely not worthy of Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand. How about me? You?

Love to you all.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

No Longer "Pink"

"Of Pink Ribbons and a Bloody Cross."

This is a sermon preached by Eric Ludy last October, about a year ago. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month- and who would ever let us forget it?

I listened to this sermon with my heart pounding. I was shocked.

This sermon is not for the faint-of-heart.

It's also not for the Christian who wants to find a way to justify himself.

It is a sermon that shines a bright, piercing, blinding light of REALITY on a major issue in our Christian culture today. I can almost guarantee that if you haven't heard this sermon yet, you are probably caught up on the anti-Christian side of this battle without even realizing it. I know I was. (Paris Reidhead's "Ten Shekels and a Shirt" also addresses this same issue.) That's a bold statement for me to make, and I may be treading on thin ice here. It was just as "offensive" when I heard it. However, everything goes back to Scripture- is IT your guiding light, the end-all be-all, the final word on every issue in life? If you are a Christian, then the answer should be yes. And I cannot argue that Scripture does not support what is preached in this sermon. It does. And praise the Lord that it does, for it frees us from all our vain efforts and self-strivings. We lean upon HIM. HE is our Rock, our Fortress, our Deliverer, our Shelter. He is the Lord; there is none other who is able to save. AMEN!

Finally, before you listen, ask yourself this question: Are you a humanitarian? At least, do you try to be a good humanitarian? Most would answer, yes, of course!

Well, consider this definition from
1) the doctrine that humanity's obligations are concerned wholly with the welfare of the human race,
2) the doctrine that humankind may become perfect without divine aid.

I, friends, am most definitely NOT a humanitarian.

Please, listen to this sermon.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday Means Sermons!

So, before I get started here, I think I ought to mention that my computer is making a fairly disturbing noise right now, as if it might blast off or blow up or something equally horrendous at any moment. Yep.

Carrying on...

I've been restraining myself all week from bombarding you with sermons, in the hopes that you might actually listen to the one I already introduced you to. I don't want to overwhelm you. But now it's Sunday again, and it's time!

Since probably many of you have already heard A Friday Night in the Promised Land, I've chosen one this week that you may not have heard yet. Well, that's not at all the primary reason why I've chosen it, but maybe it's a bonus. There are several sermons that I've been considering for this week, but I just keep coming back to this one. This is one that I should probably listen to at least once a week for the rest of my life. It deals with a truth that is so very obvious and basic that it's easy to sort of dismiss it sometimes. Well, this is true for me, although certainly many Christians have the opposite problem- they tend to sit right here on the fact of this title and never move any further.
As for me, I like the challenging sermons, the ones that cut me, that push me, that are perhaps shocking to my sense of comfort. I like sermons about martyrdom, white-knuckle faith, and counter-culture Christianity. I want sermons that make me squirm a little and dig deeper into discovering the radically holy nature of God. This is what leads to freedom. It's a breath of fresh air to realize both who God really is (which is NOT like us) and what He calls us to do (deny ourselves and live solely for Him). So, when I first saw this sermon, it was sort of strange that I was drawn to it. It seems too mushy for me. However, I was drawn to it, and I gave it a listen. I was not disappointed!

Ok, I hope you are curious now. : )

This sermon was preached by one of my new favorite preachers, Paul Washer. If you do a search of his top sermons, you'll see titles like "Shocking Youth," "Examine Yourself: A Sermon That Has Angered Many," "10 Indictments Against the Modern Church," and other such titles. (Does that make you excited? It makes me actually kind of giddy. I crave bold TRUTH.) Paul Washer is definitely NOT out to tear anyone down. He's not aiming to hurt. His manner is actually fairly gentle, but he does not compromise on the truth of Scripture. Why? Because, as I said last week, Christ says you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free! There is no other way to actual freedom except through the bold truth of the Word of God.

So, when I listen to Paul Washer, I hear a gentleness in his voice when he addresses the church of Jesus Christ, the true bride of the Holy Bridegroom. I hear a tenderness and patience towards sinners. However, I also hear a fierce growl against sin and against compromise- against wolves in sheep's clothing. Perhaps that is why some of his sermons have "shocked" or "angered many."

I've listened to many of his sermons, but this one stands a bit apart from the rest. It is preached solely to true Christians, to those who desire to please God above all else. It is encouraging and energizing, comforting and filling. But it is also convicting. It seems like only a man like Paul Washer could preach a sermon with this title and still manage to leave me challenged and unsatisfied with the level of how well I know Christ. So, as you listen, may you be refreshed and encouraged and also pressed on to know Him more.

Give it a listen, and then let me know what you think! I'd love to hear from you.

Here it is:

Paul Washer- You Are Dearly Loved By God

Happy listening, and happy Sunday!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday Means SERMONS!

Oh, what a beautiful day! Sundays are very nice indeed- especially sunny, bright-blue-sky, crisp and clear ones!

Sundays in my life bring sermons- usually several of them. I absolutely LOVE listening to good sermons. I hope you do, too. I have learned so much from some truly Godly people through their sermons. Soooo…

I'd like to share some of my favorite sermons with you!

I'm not sure exactly how I'll do this, because I have several on my list of favorites. I thought of featuring one a week on Sundays, but that's too slow for me! Maybe I'll do one with every post! Haha. I'll just start with today, and we'll see.

So, the first life-changing sermon I want to share with you is by my very favorite preacher- Eric Ludy. Now, I know that there have been many amazing Christian men throughout history who have preached many amazing sermons. There are many who are much more well-known than Eric, who have lived longer than Eric, who have been more places and had more education and done more things than Eric. I love them too! However, this man's preaching has a special place in my own life. I have listened to more of his sermons than anybody else's, probably. And, one of the best things about Eric is that I know him personally. I know his wife and his kids, I know his church, I've talked with him, been to his home - I've seen how he lives his life, and it is by faith in Christ. I know that what he preaches is what he lives. And I believe him when he claims to be the happiest man alive on Earth today! : )

Now, Eric is an incredibly happy man, and an incredibly Christ-like, honorable, peaceful man. However (or, rather, because of that), his preaching packs some punches. He's not afraid to poke around at the hard places. He's not afraid to speak the truth boldly. So, don't expect fluffy or politically-correct or feel-good messages from him. This is truth, and it is undiluted. And Christ said we shall know the truth and it shall set us free. So before you listen, I'd advise you to make a few decisions:

  1. Decide to listen with Bible-minded ears. This is THE MOST IMPORTANT note. Not open-minded ears, or close-minded, or narrow-minded, but Bible-minded. Test what he says against Scripture. Decide right now that the Word of God is the ultimate authority for man. Whatever it says is what goes. Not the word of man. Man doesn't get to judge the Word of God. If you don't first understand and submit to this, then this preaching will just be offensive, foolish, and/or confusing to you.
  2. Decide to apply the preaching to your own life. Don't just try to make it apply to your friend's life, or your mother's life, or your neighbor's life. First of all, let it apply to YOU. This kind of preaching brings so much conviction to my own soul, and that conviction is the beginning of freedom and wonderful, indescribable joy. At first, I feel it cut like a knife- but then, I realize that it is cutting away at all the JUNK in my life that gets between me and my Lord. Then I begin to pray, "More, Lord. More conviction for me, please! I need to grow. I need to see You. I need to do whatever it takes to know You more!"
  3. Decide to keep listening. You may be tempted to only listen to part of the message. However, I guarantee that you will miss something wonderful (or be sincerely confused) if you don't continue on. Some of these sermons are much longer than what most of us are used to, but the more you listen to them, the more you will crave for them to be even longer! I promise. So, download 'em, plug in your headphones, and go for a long walk. Or clean the kitchen. Or take a drive. Or listen to one instead of your usual movie. I really don't think you'll be disappointed.

So, without further ado…here's the first sermon!


Download it here (where you can also read a description):

Eric Ludy Sunday Sermon - A Friday Night in the Promised Land

I first listened to this sermon last November, while I was on my way from Birmingham to Atlanta. When I finished it, I remember feeling several things- including intimidated, deeply convicted, terribly excited, and hauntingly peaceful. I listened to it again when Eric preached it live to our class at Ellerslie last spring, and I just played it over again last Thursday night while I closed up the café. There is no doubt about it- this is a life-changing message. If you aren't led to make some sort of change in your life after listening to it, then you're either hardening yourself to this message, or you're already further along the road of Christ-likeness than almost anyone I've ever met. Each time I've heard it, my precious Lord has pressed me closer to Himself, taught me something even sweeter, and led me down the narrow way even further. Now, how could you resist that? Give it a listen. (Just don't forget to make those decisions I told you to make beforehand!)

Happy listening!

(Oh man, I can hardly wait to post another one! These are SO good. Just a taste of who to look forward to in the future… Paris Reidhead, Jackie Pullinger, Paul Washer, Voddie Baucham, David Wilkerson, Carter Conlon, Leonard Ravenhill, Richard Wurmbrand…woo-hoo!)