Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday Means Sermons!

So, before I get started here, I think I ought to mention that my computer is making a fairly disturbing noise right now, as if it might blast off or blow up or something equally horrendous at any moment. Yep.

Carrying on...

I've been restraining myself all week from bombarding you with sermons, in the hopes that you might actually listen to the one I already introduced you to. I don't want to overwhelm you. But now it's Sunday again, and it's time!

Since probably many of you have already heard A Friday Night in the Promised Land, I've chosen one this week that you may not have heard yet. Well, that's not at all the primary reason why I've chosen it, but maybe it's a bonus. There are several sermons that I've been considering for this week, but I just keep coming back to this one. This is one that I should probably listen to at least once a week for the rest of my life. It deals with a truth that is so very obvious and basic that it's easy to sort of dismiss it sometimes. Well, this is true for me, although certainly many Christians have the opposite problem- they tend to sit right here on the fact of this title and never move any further.
As for me, I like the challenging sermons, the ones that cut me, that push me, that are perhaps shocking to my sense of comfort. I like sermons about martyrdom, white-knuckle faith, and counter-culture Christianity. I want sermons that make me squirm a little and dig deeper into discovering the radically holy nature of God. This is what leads to freedom. It's a breath of fresh air to realize both who God really is (which is NOT like us) and what He calls us to do (deny ourselves and live solely for Him). So, when I first saw this sermon, it was sort of strange that I was drawn to it. It seems too mushy for me. However, I was drawn to it, and I gave it a listen. I was not disappointed!

Ok, I hope you are curious now. : )

This sermon was preached by one of my new favorite preachers, Paul Washer. If you do a search of his top sermons, you'll see titles like "Shocking Youth," "Examine Yourself: A Sermon That Has Angered Many," "10 Indictments Against the Modern Church," and other such titles. (Does that make you excited? It makes me actually kind of giddy. I crave bold TRUTH.) Paul Washer is definitely NOT out to tear anyone down. He's not aiming to hurt. His manner is actually fairly gentle, but he does not compromise on the truth of Scripture. Why? Because, as I said last week, Christ says you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free! There is no other way to actual freedom except through the bold truth of the Word of God.

So, when I listen to Paul Washer, I hear a gentleness in his voice when he addresses the church of Jesus Christ, the true bride of the Holy Bridegroom. I hear a tenderness and patience towards sinners. However, I also hear a fierce growl against sin and against compromise- against wolves in sheep's clothing. Perhaps that is why some of his sermons have "shocked" or "angered many."

I've listened to many of his sermons, but this one stands a bit apart from the rest. It is preached solely to true Christians, to those who desire to please God above all else. It is encouraging and energizing, comforting and filling. But it is also convicting. It seems like only a man like Paul Washer could preach a sermon with this title and still manage to leave me challenged and unsatisfied with the level of how well I know Christ. So, as you listen, may you be refreshed and encouraged and also pressed on to know Him more.

Give it a listen, and then let me know what you think! I'd love to hear from you.

Here it is:

Paul Washer- You Are Dearly Loved By God

Happy listening, and happy Sunday!

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